Hoka Carbon X 4 Release Probable Date / Honest Preview

If you are a racing shoe buff, it is safe to presume you have already heard of the Hoka Carbon X series.

The last release in this popular running shoe series, Hoka Carbon X 3, was released in March 2022 and was quite successful.

Considering it’s been almost 2 years, fans have been eagerly lingering for updates on Hoka Carbon X 4  and we are here to give updates to you all regarding the much-awaited“ Hoka Carbon X 4”.


Unfortunately, we hate to break it down to you but no official updates regarding Hoka Carbon X 4 have been released yet and this has only further enhanced the inquisitiveness of the fans

However, as per the whispers we have heard, we can certainly anticipate Hoka Carbon X 4 to be out within 2024. So, we can be optimistic about the release within this year and trust Hoka, although an early 2025 release cannot be ruled out either.

Key Takeaways:

Our first and foremost priority has always been to ensure your productivity.

Here’s a summarized list of primary key takeaways you can skim through to gain a quick idea regarding Hoka Carbon  4.

  • Hoka has not officially declared anything related to Hoka Carbon X 4.
  • Hoka Carbon X 4 will not be released in May 2024.
  • As per rumours, Hoka Carbon X 4 is expected to be released in the latter half of 2024 or early 2025.
  • Its estimated pricing is $200- $230 (Might fluctuate up and down).
  •  Hoka Carbon X 4 is speculated to be a lightweight, durable and comfortable racing shoe.

The May Release Confusion:

After a few websites suggested that Hoka Carbon X 4 would be released in May 2024, many fans were hopeful about it. 

But considering we are already in May and there have been no updates regarding it from Hoka’s end, we can be certain about one thing, and that is that Hoka Carbon X 4 is not releasing this May.

Ok, so enough about the release date thing.

Let us delve into the technicalities.

Before we further talk about Hoka Carbon X 4, let us look at the features of Hoka Carbon X 3 to have an idea of what to expect from Hoka Carbon X 3.

Hoka Carbon X 3 Key Specifications:

Price$200 (Currently $119.99)
Heel to Toe Drop5.00 mm
Weight7.80 oz
Colours Available2

Basic Expected Features in Hoka Carbon X 4:

  • Lightweight
  • Sleek Design
  • Carbon Fibre Plate
  • Racing Focused
  • Durable
  • Breathable Upper
  • Fast Transition

What to expect from Hoka Carbon X 4 pricing-wise:

We don’t expect Hoka to substantially increase the price of Hoka Carbon X 4. Since Hoka Carbon X 3 was priced at $200, we believe Hoka Carbon X 4 will be priced at a similar amount as well.

Want us to give you an estimated number so that you can start saving up?

As per our knowledge, we can predict a price range between $200 to $230. However, there’s no certainty.

The Colour Diversification Aspect:

Wondering what this is?

In case you are not aware, Hoka Carbon X 3 was available in 2 colours only.

This made some fans irk a bit, as they probably did not get their preferred colour, which aligns with their particular type of fashion.

So, one of the biggest expectations from shoe fanatics of the Hoka Carbon X 4 will be for it to be available in different colours.

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