Do Hoka Shoes Hurt at First; Know If It Ruins Your First Feel

You might have had a bad experience with your previous footwear, and while approaching Hoka, you may think, Do Hoka shoes hurt at first? Surprisingly, most people are in the same dilemma. And it has a rational reason.

Hoka shoes can partially cause pain if you fail to buy the right one. Inappropriate foot size is one of the main reasons for this. Also, your running preference can be another culprit.

Hoka Line Up

Best Hoka Shoes: Let’s Have a Look!

Do Hoka Shoes Hurt at first?

Hoka doesn’t hurt at first, unless you’re buying the wrong size. 

Usually, Hoka shoes come with slightly different designs, unlike the other shoes. It has some extra cushioning that causes some individuals difficulty while running and sometimes causes initial pain. 

But there’s nothing to fret about. The more time you spend with the shoe, the more it becomes comfy. My first pair of Hoka took me less than a week to get adjusted with my feet. As I continued running, its midsole kept compressing and gradually matched the shape of my foot. 

Why Do Hokas Hurt My Feet?

Inappropriate Hoka shoes cause you pain in the initial phase of running. A little discomfort from the extra cushioning is another reason but not a concerning one.

Apart from these, there are several other reasons for which Hoka shoes are responsible for hurting your feet. Check out those reasons why Hokas hurt your feet.

Rocker Sole

Hoka features a rocker sole that gives you smooth forwarding. But their curvy shape can strain your feet. Unless you’re used to it, the shoe will cause you discomfort.

Narrow Shape

Compared to other brands like Nike, Adidas, or PUMA, Hoka has slightly snugger fits. It looks stylish, though, but people with wider feet find it bothering. The shape may pinch your toe and create pressure in the beginning. 

Little Bit Heavier

If you have been used to the lighter shoes, Hoka may feel different. So, its weight is not concerning but is a noticeable fact. Especially, for those who hike on mountains, it’s a bothering issue.

Lack of Flexibility

Though Hoka shoes provide maximum cushioning, they aren’t up to the mark in flexibility. It can strain your feet, especially if you’re used to more flexible shoes. The lack of flex may cause pain in your arches, heels or metatarsals.

Improper Fit

Last but not least, it’s the most concerning thing about Hoka’s discomfort. An improper fit can lead to pain across your entire foot.

It’s important to find the right size for your feet, or else it’ll hurt you. Check various Hoka shoes, give them a trial, and then pick the perfect size that fits your feet.

Do Hoka shoes hurt at first

How to Break in New Hoka Shoes

After purchasing a pair of brand-new Hokas, they will feel stiff, and tight and can hurt your feet. But don’t worry! If you can break in the shoes, they can’t hurt your feet. But how can you break in new Hoka shoes? Follow these tips to break in your brand-new Hokas.

Wear them for Short Periods

It would be the wrong decision if you wanted to go straight into walking or running after purchasing your Hoka shoes. I would recommend that you never walk for more than 15–30 minutes wearing your Hokas. You can wear socks to get used to new shoes. If you ever feel pain in your feet, take off the shoes without delay.

Use a shoe Stretcher

I mentioned earlier that a new Hoka shoe is a bit tight, which may be uncomfortable for your feet. In such cases, it would be wise to use a shoe stretcher. It is something that will make the new shoe relatively stretchy and you will feel quite comfortable wearing it. You can find shoe stretchers for specific areas of the shoe, such as toe box, width, or length.

Bend and Flex the Shoes

After purchasing a new pair of shoes, it’s ideal to break them in a bit before wearing them for long periods of time. Just take the shoes in your hands and gently bend and move the different areas. 

Twist and flex the sole all around to loosen things up. If you can do this, it will help the materials start to form the shape of your foot. You will feel more comfortable as the shoes adjust to the size and contours of your feet.

Walk for Some Time

Once you buy your new Hoka shoes, you can’t put them down. You should gradually adjust to it by wearing it and walking around. You can start with just short walks. It may take around 10-15 minutes. Gradually work your way up to longer walks in the first week or two.

How to Prevent Foot Pain When Wearing Hokas

Right Size

To get rid of foot pain you always need to choose the shoe that fits your feet. You should choose the appropriate style of Hoka shoe according to your foot type and activity level.

Break in your Hokas Slowly

Many people make this mistake by walking or running a lot with their new Hoka shoes. I would suggest, after buying a new Hoka shoe, wearing it for a short walk. Gradually increase the time so that your shoe begins to adjust to you.

Use Proper Socks

You can wear those socks which are designed for athletic shoes that wick away moisture. Cotton socks can lead to blisters.

Choose those socks that are padded and breathable. The right socks can prevent friction and keep your feet dry and comfortable.

Strengthen your Feet

It would be great if you could do foot exercises like towel curls, marble pickups, and calf raises. You may know that stronger feet are less prone to pain and injuries. Flexibility in your feet, ankles, and calves will also allow you to experience the full benefits of Hokas.

Rest your Feet

You need to rotate between Hokas and other well-cushioned shoes. While Hokas are designed to reduce impact, your feet still need recovery time. Taking one or two days off per week from Hokas can help prevent overuse injuries and reduce discomfort.

Wrap Up

Hoka shoes are specially designed for sports lovers or runners. These shoes are very popular for their different design and extra cushioning. But one question that comes up again and again is why do Hokas hurt my feet? Hope you have already got the answer through this article.

However, with proper care and practice, shoes can be broken in and customized for maximum comfort. This way you can make your Hoka shoe useful and use it for a long time. 

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