Are Brooks Making Kid Shoes Now In 2024?

Wondering! whether Brooks makes shoes for your kids or not? Well, this is a query very often asked by many of the parents, and we understand your concern. However, unfortunately, we hate to break it to you, but the answer is no. Brooks has ceased their production of shoes for children, even though it was a part of their lineup a few years ago.

Brooks Sports, Inc., the 110-year-old company, has always been lauded for its top-notch quality in ensuring comfort and sustainability, along with a comprehensive range of collections for adults irrespective of gender.

Brooks, as a brand, has always specified their target market, which is adults. Eventually, they decided to retire their shoes for the children segment, and consequently, as of now, they are not making any more shoes tailored especially for children, which they have officially verified through their website.

Why has Brooks removed shoes for children from their line-up?

Truth be told, there’s no straightforward explanation to this question, as Brooks never officially confirmed the rationales behind it, and they are the only ones who can specifically respond to this query of yours.

Despite this, we have researched extensively on this aspect so that we can help answer your questions and have ultimately come up with a few hypotheses.

Let us predict a few probable practical reasons Brooks might have for the omission of manufacturing children’s shoes from their exhaustive collection.

  • Customer Target:

Although Brooks initially used to produce multiple niches of shoes, they eventually held onto running shoes only and focused exclusively on them. Even within the running shoe segment, they have tried to narrow their target market to only grown-up males and females and cater solely to that.

Thus, we believe they could have decided to focus more on the quality of their primary, specific customer target rather than diversifying their customer age group and eventually excluding children’s shoes.

  • Assessment Of Market:

We all know how saturated the market can be in this particular niche of children’s shoes, particularly if we consider how many established brands are already competing. Owing to this, Brooks may have simply chosen to stay in their respective niche and not get entangled in this heavily competitive sector, which from their point of view seems rational enough.

  • Technical Complexities:

There is a very significant and prominent distinction when it comes to manufacturing kids’ shoes and adult shoes, particularly in running. While doing it for adults, the company largely has to focus on sustainability and ease of use, whereas, in the case of kids, it is entirely on a different tangent. 

That’s because they have to put a lot of focus on the design part to make it tempting and alluring. Moreover, there are also a lot of prerequisites they need to comply with to ensure children’s safety and comfort, due to which it might be a bit of a bother. Because of this very reason, Brooks may have intended to avoid this tricky niche and concentrate on their primary target.

Does Brooks Make Kid Shoes

Re-integration of kids’ shoes in the future:

Wondering whether Brooks will revoke their decision and reinstate kids’ shoes again? So did we!

Although, as of now, they have discontinued making the kid’s shoes, we cannot rule out the likelihood of them reintegrating it into their lineup in the future and start selling them again. So, what we can do is simply wait for it to happen.

  • Alternative Journey with Brooks:

Unfortunately, even though you cannot buy Brooks running shoes for your toddler, there’s still a way out. Now, what’s that?

 Starting shoe sizes of brooks are 5 and 7 for women and men, respectively. Hence, in case their starting size corresponds to your child’s shoe size, we recommend you try out one of those and see if your child likes them and is comfortable with them. If they are comfortable, there you go, your problem is solved.

Now, what if this alternative plan does not work out? What can we do about it?

We can opt for some other alternate brands that make shoes for kids and try them out for the kids.

What are some other brands that can be used instead of Brooks for Kid’s shoes?

There are certainly a good number of substitute top-tier brands we may use instead of Brooks if we want running shoes, particularly for children. Some of them are:

  • Nike
  • Adidas
  • New Balance
  • Saucony
  • Puma
  • Footnotes
  • Yosi Samra


To sum up, unfortunately, Brooks is not currently making shoes for kids. They used to manufacture them, but as of now, they have stopped making them. However, if you are still persistent about getting Brook’s shoes for your child, we advise you to match their starting sizes of 5 and 7 ( for women and men, respectively) with those of your child and visit their store locally. And, if luck is still not in your favor, why not give a try to some other brands and let us know how you feel about it?

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